Gala Registration (click here)

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Desire salvation? Contact us by phone or email.

Have a special prayer request? Share them here and we will be sure to make your request known.
Support the vision of Declare Victory and Be the Change you want to see in the lives of God's people.
Who We Are
S T R E T C H I N G……….gets the kinks out
By Jacqueline Jackson
I remember when I came to the knowledge that God had a plan for my life, it changed everything! It was as though that information brought me to life, a new life and a new understanding. Psalms 139 was the passage that changed my life. When I clearly understood that no matter what I did or thought, what the situation looked
like, God already had it planned and whatever it takes to keep me heading towards His objective for my life, it was going to prevail!
The Word says that before I ever lived one day of my life, the plan had already been determined. That’s deep! Just that bit of information caused me to stretch in my thinking. I clearly understood that if I made a choice that did not line up with His plan, He would begin closing doors and re-routing me so that I could get back on the
path and stay on the path to my destined purpose.
If I made a choice that would not significantly alter my destiny, He allowed it to go forward as a testimony. It is so amazing how He works. I was stretched to know that God is intentional and purposeful and does not waste any experience that we may have or have had, He uses all of it for His glory! I was stretched to know that God’s plan would always prevail. It stretched me to forgive the unforgivable. It stretched me to love the unlovable, including those whom I believed had mistreated me. God is amazing!
Before reading Psalms 139, my perspective was skewed. Life has a way of stretching us and at times, it is the most uncomfortable experience we could ever have. However, Stretching will get the kinks out!
Declare Victory is comprised of a several RADICAL believers in Christ, that come together daily to pray, worship, praise and build one another up as we grow in His Word together. We also find time and a common ground in the art of
humanitarian service from coast to coast, unified by a prayer call.
Founded by Dionne Jackson , January 1, 2014 it was immediately established that we had stumbled upon world changers everywhere. What began as a desire to pray, swiftly became a desire to create, impact and change culture globally through the power of prayer, relationships, training and teaching the word of God with practical precepts!
We are dedicated to helping re-position people:
Homelessness | Food | Clothing | Shelter
Youth Development | Teaching| Mentoring | Leadership
Empowerment | Biblical | Practical | Leadership Training
Creating Couture Culture | Financial Literacy | Business
impacting empowering , encouraging, uplifting, equipping and disciplining others to go back and support their local church and communities.
Learn of numerous ministry opportunities and make life-changing connections.
6:00 A.M. PST
Weekly Calendar
of Events
Monday – Marriage
Matters with Min. Eric &
Juliette Smith – 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday – TnT Bible Study
with Pastor Lavelle Jones –
7:00 p.m. PST
Wednesday – The Archers
Circle with Gloria Hicks –
Zoom Call – 7:00 p.m. PST
Thursday – Walk It Out
with Lisa Porter – 7:00 p.m.
Friday – Friday Night Live
with DeDe Felder – 6:00 p.m.
The Declare Victory Theme Song

We are always better together!
Declare Victory is dedicated to walking with you and pushing daily into the presence of God for you in an effort to propel you to destiny with the proper tools. Many of the seasoned Declare Victory participants are additionally interested in seeing and assisting you throughout your process.